The consortium members will promote Repertorium’s outcomes through workshops, conferences, publications, and educational initiatives, advancing the fields of musicology, musical practice, and sound processing while making an important contribution to the creation of musical AI systems that can evolve a sense of European identity, tastes, culture, and values by training on its heritage.

Open Source

Resulting optical music recognition tools for medieval and classical manuscripts, music information retrieval medieval cataloguing tools, and instrumental sound source separation and sound field reconstruction testing materials will be licenced under Creative Commons licences (Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike, CC BY-NC-SA) and delivered to public repositories. All training data will be licenced as public domain and shared to allow for the reproducibility of the research. In those cases in which partners intend to seek patents for their machine learning algorithms, sufficient materials will be granted to ensure the reproducibility of scientific results while protecting the partner’s intellectual property.


Software & Demos



Spheres Sound Samples


Pezzoli, M., Antonacci, F., & Sarti, A. (2023). Implicit neural representation with physics-informed neural networks for the reconstruction of the early part of room impulse responses.

Diaz-Guerra, D., Politis, A,, Miguel, A., Beltran, Jose R. and Virtanen, T. (2023) Permutation Invariant Recurrent Neural Networks for Sound Source Tracking Applications.

Cabanas-Molero, P., Munoz-Montoro, A., Carabias-Orti, J. and Vera-Candeas, P. (2023). Pre-trained Spatial Priors on Multichannel NMF for Music Source Separation. Forum Acusticum 2023.

Martinez Sevilla, Juan C. & Ríos Vila, Antonio & Castellanos, Francisco & Calvo-Zaragoza, Jorge. (2023). A Holistic Approach for Aligned Music and Lyrics Transcription.

Mirco Pezzoli, Julio Carabias-Orti, Pedro Vera-Candeas, Fabio Antonacci, Augusto Sarti. Spherical-harmonics-based sound field decomposition and multichannel NMF for sound source separation.

P. Diel., A.J. Muñoz-Montoro, J.J., Carabias-Orti, J. Ranilla. Efficient FPGA implementation for sound source separation using direction-informed multichannel non-negative matrix factorization.

F. Miotello, L. Comanducci, M. Pezzoli, A. Bernardini, F. Antonacci and A. Sarti, “Reconstruction of Sound Field Through Diffusion Models,” ICASSP 2024 – 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2024, pp. 1476-1480.

F. Miotello, P. Ostan, M. Pezzoli, L. Comanducci, A. Bernardini, F. Antonacci & A. Sarti (2024). HOMULA-RIR: A Room Impulse Response Dataset for Teleconferencing and Spatial Audio Applications.

A. J. Muñoz-Montoro, M. Olivieri, M. Pezzoli, J. Carabias-Orti, F. Antonacci and A. Sarti (2024). Ray-Space constrained multichannel Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Audio Source Separation.

M. E. Thomae, D. Rizo, E. Fuentes-Martínez, C. Alís Raurich, E. De Luca, J. Calvo-Zaragoza (2024). A Preliminary Proposal for a Systematic GABC Encoding of Gregorian Chant | DLfM ’24: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology

Public Deliverables

D6.1 Communication, dissemination, and exploitation plan I

D6.2 Communication, dissemination, and exploitation plan II

D7.2 Data Management Plan I

Talks and Presentations

September 27, 2024

La noche Europea de los investigadores

Lyon, France
August 26, 2024 → August 30, 2024

EUSIPCO 2024: 32nd European Signal Processing Conference

Solesmes Abbey, France
July 21, 2024 → July 26, 2024

Gregorian Chant Course

Lisbon, Portugal
June 27, 2024 → June 29, 2024

Digital Technologies Applied to Music Research: Methodologies, Projects and Challenges

Costa Ballena, Cádiz, Spain
June 2, 2024 → July 5, 2024


Madrid, Spain
May 30, 2024


Berlin, Germany
May 13, 2024 → May 17, 2024

Classical:NEXT 2024

KOR, Seoul
April 14, 2024 → April 19, 2024

IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)

Hamburg, Germany
March 6, 2024 → March 7, 2024

German Creative Economy Summit

London, UK
February 29, 2024

Roundtable discussion on AR/VR and big data and the music industry

London, UK
December 7, 2023

SOUNDS AMAZING 2023 / Al and the Personalisation of Audio

New York, USA
November 30, 2023

7th Immersive Audio Academy

Madrid, Spain
November 8, 2023

Bibliotecas, datos, inteligencia artificial: las nuevas rutas del conocimiento

Milan, Italy
November 5, 2023 → November 9, 2023

International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR)

October 30, 2023

Metaverso, Festival de Música Barroca de la Ribera Alta

Berlin, Germany
October 20, 2023

Musik und Künstliche Intelligenz (Music and AI). in German

September 29, 2023

La noche de los investigadores

Turin, Italy
September 11, 2023 → September 15, 2023

Forum Acusticum 2023: 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association

Pezzoli M, Antonacci F, Sarti A: Implicit Neural Representation with Physics-Informed Neural Networks for the Reconstruction of the Early Part of Room Impulse Responses. 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association.

September 4, 2023 → September 8, 2023

MEC - Music Encoding Conference 2023

Helsinki, Finland
September 4, 2023 → September 8, 2023

EUSIPCO 2023: 31st European Signal Processing Conference

September 1, 2023 → September 3, 2023

FEIMA - Feria Internacional de Música Antigua

San José (California), USA
August 21, 2023 → August 26, 2023

ICDAR (Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition)

Juan Carlos Martínez Sevilla presented the work A Holistic Approach for Aligned Music and Lyrics Transcription.

Lisboa, Portugal
July 20, 2023

IIIF Neume Workshop

Presentation on Repertorium’s objectives and strategies with IIIF Neume Workshop, Centro de Estudios de Sociologia e Estética Musical, Colégio Almada Negreiros, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, hosted by Elsa De Luca for the project ECHOES

June 4, 2023 → June 10, 2023

IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)

Helsinki, Finland
May 13, 2023 → May 15, 2023

AES Europe 2023 / 154th Audio Engineering Convention

Marienmünster, GER
April 1, 2023

Workshop Gregorian Chant (XXVIII. Gregorianik-Seminar)